Why is it that for the single lady when it rains it pours? The men always seem to come around in packs. When one calls they all call. Just recently, I was talking with a sorority sister of mine, who is currently experiencing this. My friend Mary* just moved to Nashville and is loving it. According to her this city is full of gorgeous southern boys! As we're talking about her current prospects she tells me about a date she had recently.
The guy comes and picks her up and instead of her buzzing his vehicle into her gated complex, she comes in by himself and doesn't even come to the door to greet her. While in the car they start conversation with each other and realize the only thing they have in common is their knowledge on how to start an i-v on someone. He was in the army and she is a nurse. They continue the convo and he then asks if she had ever done ecstasy. WHAT??? ARE YOU SERIOUS? As if that wasn't bad enough-they end up going to Steak-n-Shake for dinner after a game of put-put golf in which SHE had to pay for. While S&S is a great place to dine after a late concert or busy weekend, they do not offer very many vegetarian dishes, as Mary is a no-meat kinda girl, and it's now being placed in the fast food category, amongst various restaurant comparisons. The date finally ended with Mary darting out of the car and continuously now avoiding his text messages. The sad thing is he probably is one of those guys who thought the date went really well and would love to see her again!
Despite the awful date , like I said earlier when it rains it pours, she had another date on Thursday. I'm sure you are all thinking what I was when I first heard the story, and it's probably something along the line of, "any date after that one could be considered a great date." Well it actually was. They went to a lovely dinner with great conversation that he paid for, very appropriate first date and have a lot in common.
So for all the singles out there, I'm sure you all have a bad date story that is probably pretty comparable, however, keep at it. There are more fish in the sea and remember, when it rains it pours, so chances are one will come along very soon; either while you're already talking to a few guys or starting to get serious because let's face it, that's just the way the game is played.
*For the sake of her sanity, the name has been changed. =)