Monday, May 30, 2011

city thoughts...

I've always been a fan of symbolism and looking at the ways my life is symbolic to the experiences/events going on around me.

For example: the lack of writing between my last two posts is very symbolic to my life in the past month. I wasn't writting becaue I felt completely uninspired and felt used up. It was also a way to avoid the reality that my life may not have been the most exciting at the time. I know that life doesn't always give us sunshine and roses. Sometimes we get cloudy days. Not updating the blog was a way for me to mask my cloudy days to everyone back home.

Writing can also feel like eating my vegetables or going to church. I know I should do it but don't  always want to. Sometimes it's not the most fun thing to do, at the moment, but it never the end I always feel so much better after I followed through with either going to church or eating healthier.  Once I get back into my writing I feel so much better. I am able to really digest everything life is throwing at me and in such a chaotic city it gives me a sense of peace and understanding within my own experiences.  I can step back and really look at the big picture instead of the minute details therefore staying more true to my own thoughts and desires.  

Going through the motions of daily life can be overwhelming. We all need to find some way to unleash and release all the negative energy. It's healthy. It's necessary. It's good for us.  Some people unleash by going to the gym, others drink, some meditate and do yoga.  For me...well I have to write.  So the next time you're not sure of where life is going to take you...just stop and step back.  Listen to your own heart and your own desires and continue to be true to yourself.  

For now...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Wow! I never thought I could go so long without writing.  However the past month has been quite the obstacle/adventure for me.

The month of April was full of excitement and birthdays.  My birthday kicked off the month and then two weeks later it was my dear friend Molly's birthday.  It was so good to get together with all of our friends for a nice Italian dinner at a small restaurant in the east village and then another birthday celebration at The Standard Bier Garten in the Meatpacking district, on Friday night.  

This past month at work has been the reason I haven't been posting.  The beginning of April brought promotions and everything at work was changing.  Just when I was becoming comfortable with things at work and feeling a sense of peace the city threw me a curve ball.  Quite the curve actually.  Between the late nights and the early mornings the energy I had left was used to prepare for my upcoming race!  It's almost like being stuck between a rock and a hard place, with work.  I know that things will get better but it's really making me question where I'm at.  Not locationally.  Just career wise.  I'm not exactly sure that buying is the field I would like to go into.  More and more I am considering/thinking about public relations and what it would be like if I were to enter that world.  How would I even go about getting into it after being on the merchandising side of things?  I guess my decision right now has been to just stick work out until I hit my one year mark and then re-evaluate the position I am in.

Ok, well enough venting.  I think the solution to all of this will be to stick out the year, get through the summer, and continue to pray.

For now,