Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New York Friends

Sue & Ja Kuphall- my Chicago parentals

I realized tonight that the friends I made in New York were friends I made for life.  I always thought that my college girlfriends would be my staples, but with the distance between all of us and through my chaotic lifestyle when I was in NY, only a few of those girls remained truly there for me.  My girls in NY were mostly girls that I met while working or knew from FIT.  I think life is so hard there that everybody understands what each other is going through, so friendship is treated VERY differently than any other place I've lived.  Everyone is a transplant in NYC and is there to "live in New York."  Each person that I meet, who happens to live in NY, seems to completely understand how hard the city can be, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter because "they are still in NY."  It's this mentality that draws people in that city towards each other.  

Anyways, so with the lifelong friends, come the lifelong relationships with their family members.  Last summer I came to Chicago with my best friend Leigh to visit her family and meet her friends.  I am now in Chicago only a few minutes away from Leigh's parents.  Tonight I got a text from Sue, her mom, asking me if I wanted to come meet them for a drink.  I was so excited.  It's always so nice seeing her parents.  Tonight was just what I needed.  A chance to converse over a drink with someone.  I miss those moments.  They have been few, far, and in between lately...slowly picking up, but I still really cherish moments like tonight.  

As we were leaving and saying goodbye, Leigh's mom gave me a hug and told me something that I will never forget.  It meant the world to me to hear that from her.  I hope she knows that those words truly meant so much to me.  I will forever be thankful for all the amazing people God has placed in my life.  I know my mom is just as thankful as well! :)

Well for now, 

Take care, 
love Blair

Sunday, June 3, 2012

New apartment

This past weekend was spent moving into my new apartment! One of my longtime best friends came up to the windy city and helped move me up 7 floors to my brand new apartment.  I moved into the building in April in the hopes that I would be able to move into a studio apartment at some point.  I was in a one bedroom deluxe apartment on the 2nd floor and now I have a much better view, great apartment-studio style, and an extended no more moving on my birthday!!!!!! 

I am so beyond thankful for Mindy coming up.  She ended up staying until Sunday because of moving complications.  Turns out the elevator was only available for me from 6:30-8:30 on Friday morning or Saturday evening from 5:00pm-7:00pm.  We took the later time slot. 

Mindy came up on Thursday night to come to my Men's Style event as well.  She was given a taste of what my job is like.  After the event we chose to go get dinner and go to The Pump Room for a cocktail.  Friday morning we had breakfast at the apartment and then took the day and went shopping.  We had lunch in the new cafeteria at Water Tower Place-Foodease.  How delicious!!! It reminded me so much of lunch in New York at a bodega! Oh, how I miss those. 

Friday night, Mindy and I went out in Wrigglyville.  It was so fun! I usually go out in River North, so it was a nice change of pace being up north at some new bars.  Here are some pictures from the weekend! 
Love my job!

 Pump Room

At Kate Spade playing around.

Out on Friday night!

 Kylie and I at JohnBarleyCorn

 The view from my rooftop! Breathtaking!