Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Life from The Gram

With the Instagram craze I thought I would update the blog with pictures that I have taken recently.  As some of you don't have Instagram (ahem, Mom!) and might not get to see the beauty of my life through filters. :)

The coffee table & media center: This has been a long time coming, but with my birthday money from last year and my Christmas money this year, I was able to go out and purchase a matching coffee table and media center.  Thank you to the papa for the new TV!!! Loving the fact that I can now decorate with the new living room setup. :)

Jeremiah 29:11; "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 
Jeremiah 29:7; "Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper."
**Basically, I realized that I am to stay in Chicago a while longer. :) **
Excited to enter a new season (per the post below) and move on into Spring, in the Windy City...

At just the right time, my friend Mindy came to town and placed herself in the Stylemax Trade Show at The Merchandise Mart in January.  I had the fortunate ability to help her out each day.  What an experience? I have worked trade shows before, but to see a friend's passion come to fruition and have the ability to help her to drive sales for her product was something I have NEVER experienced before.  I felt like a proud mother each time we would open the booklet to write an order. Congrats again Mindy!!! 

In addition to my already expensive coffee budget, one of my new friends has gotten me hooked on Intelligentsia coffee.  SMH.... such a good espresso!!!!

Sock buns and glasses have been my style lately.  Loving the uniqueness of my Warby Parkers and any way that I can place my hair on the top of my head...I'm in! :)

Happy reading...

Seasonal Changes

Photo courtesy of K. Babcock and her pick-me-up pics

Well, based on the date of my last post we can all see that some time has passed.  Let's just say that the past 3-4 months were not my favorite time of the year. However, isn't it amazing in what we learn through each trial? We grow within ourselves.  The hurdles that we have to jump over outline how far we can go until we reach our limits.  They show us that no matter what comes our way we can be strong individuals/women and fight against the storm!

As I was talking to a new friend that has come my way, she started explaining that these hard times are almost like seasons.  She kept referring to her life as, "in this season," "in that season", etc... It really made me start to think...we really do have seasons in our lives.  This was a great way to look at things. It brought more light at the end of my tunnel. 

If you look at the calendar year, there are 4 distinct seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.  As I started to think about the calendar seasons and our own personal seasons, I came to the conclusion that some seasons may be longer than others or shorter than others.  They may be in conjunction with the calendar seasons or they can be set in their own timing.  For myself: October-Jan Wk 2 was it's own season, one in which I am glad is now over. I am currently entering a new season.  I just recently had some major changes with work and my faith and am solely relying on the grace of God to get me through right now.  With that said...

It's so refreshing to know that with the end of one season comes the beginning of another new season.  Allowing us to leave the hardships aside and focus on the greater things that are to come. 

So, if you're starting to feel confused or you are going through a hard time right now... just look at it as another season and, "This too shall pass."  There really is light at the end of the tunnel and in due time... things will get better. For now, have faith and know that THE BEST IS YET TO COME! 

Glad to be back into writing...
For now...
Take care, Love Blair