Well, the other day I did it. I have finally reached the point where working out is back to how it used to be. By this I mean, I am able to run and enjoy it or head to the gym and kill a bunch of time knowing I'm getting my body back into shape. After 3 attempts to run for 2o minutes without stopping, on my short path, the other day I was able to complete my short path run and feel good afterwards. The other day, I had so much on my mind I chose to go for a run and attempt my long path. It takes about 40 minutes for me to complete my long path and goes around our neighborhood.
It's been a rough couple of weeks for me and since graduation it has been a whirlwind of emotions and the best way to pump some quick endorphins has been running. I love the feeling when I am not thinking about anything, my legs become numb, and my music is rocking. I can run for what seems like forever. However, it's nothing huge like miles upon miles, but it's enough for me to feel accomplished.
Yay for summer!
for now...
take care, love blair
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