Sunday, August 19, 2012

Happy 6 month Anniversary!

My new apartment! :)- Thanks Mom!

Wow! Well it's crazy to think that I have been in Chicago now for 6 months.  I have to say that this move was one of the hardest things I've ever done.  In the past 6 months, I've tried to really get through the transition of moving back to the midwest again.  Finding a sense of peace in my routine and figuring out what makes me happy in this new city. I have realized that there are three things that I need to have in order to be in sync with myself: 1.) a great nail salon, 2.) a good gym, & 3.) a church.  I have successfully found 2 out of the 3.  I am still looking for a great church to attend.  I've got a couple different ones that have been of interest to me, but nothing has compared yet to Trinity Grace, in Chelsea.  

A couple weeks ago my mother came up and graciously painted my apartment for me.  I am now in love with my new apt and get excited about decorating it.  I'm in the market for a bookshelf and a vanity and then it will be complete.  

My bike was brought up to the city the other day as well.  I've LOVED riding around the lake on Sunday afternoons.  It's been so peaceful! Found a new trail the other day with Steph!  It was great...we just kept riding until our stomachs signaled to us that we should stop for some food.  We ended up eating at a great Korean BBQ restaurant.  

Overall, the past 6 months have been a HUGE growth experience.  I have learned so much more about myself and what I want out of life.  With a commitment to changing my health, becoming more disciplined by working out consistently, and focusing on work I have realized that change is not necessarily a bad thing.  It's how we adapt to the changes that make us who we are.  I know that I was called to move to Chicago for a's just time now to allow God to move me in that direction and keep me on his path. :)

For now,

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