Monday, August 16, 2010

Out with the Old...In with the New


All the "stuff" I removed

So last week I decided to completely get rid of all of the "stuff" that has piled up in my life over the past 8 years. This includes but is not limited to the following: sorority paraphernalia, trash, broken jewelry, old papers to keep, silly picture frames, and so much more. I decided to start with my desk and after some intense cleaning I now have a beautiful desk that is dusted and cleaned out and with the extra space I was able to make a jewelry armoire.

The NEW desk...note the button dish in the far Left

While cleaning, I did find one thing that really made me smile, and that was my very own button dish. For my high school graduation I received a dish with antique and ornate detail. It's not really my style, but then after cleaning and finding a million random buttons, I decided to combine the two and make a button dish. I also feel that 1. every girl needs a button dish in her life and 2. it shouldn't be something modern or even match the style of your life. I really feel like it should reflect who you are and where you have come from. For me that would be coming from a SMALL town in Indiana being raised on conservative values. As I make my move to the big city I will definitely be taking my button dish with me to remind me of where I have come from and who I was and bring me back down to earth.

The finished product!

As I finished the challenge of my room I realized how refreshed I felt. It was like closing a book from my life thus far and starting a new one. The new one being my life post-graduation and my journey as I enter the real world. Throwing all of my "stuff" away felt symbolic as I packed up my previous memories and now have a clean slate and new canvas to color a brand new world onto. Throughout the whole process it was incredible to go back and remember all of the adventures I had while growing up, and now...2 trash bags later I am ready to start my own life and make the new memories that will come with it!

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