Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dinner Parties

One rule my mother has always taught me was, "to have parties!" My mother is most definitely the host of all hosts and has all of her T's crossed and her I's dotted, when it comes to the details she puts into the parties she holds.  Details down to the serving utensils and how relevant they are for the current season/holiday.  

Sunday night we had a dear friend in town and to honor her visit we decided to throw her a dinner party.  We had about 3 other girls come to the apartment and socialize while we all sat and drank wine, ate delicious food, and munched on dessert!  Even in our little railroad apartment, the dinner party was a success.  Kelly cooked the main coarse-Stuffed manicotti with a Greek Yogurt and Kale stuffing, and I made an appetizer.  My mother's own Baked Brie with Apples & Pears.  What a fabulous evening.  We may not have a kitchen table or enough seating for everyone, but the evening itself was love(er)ly.  We talked about boys and laughed about funny situations with men, work, and friends.  It was the perfect end to a great weekend with Molly.

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