Saturday, December 18, 2010

What Really Matters

At Macy’s every year the employees are given numerous opportunities to give back to the city.  One of those ways is by getting a gift for an underprivileged child.  It’s so sad during the holiday season to hear about children who won’t be receiving anything for Christmas or may not even have a warm coat to wear during the winter.  Macy’s has been holding a coat drive since the end of Thanksgiving.  They also received hundreds of letters written to Santa, from children in a public school in Manhattan. 

I decided to take a letter and participate in the gift donation. I was given a letter that was written by a fourth-grade girl who wanted a baby doll for Christmas. 

As I entered Toys-R-Us to pick out the gift, I immediately thought that the experience in purchasing the toy was going to be awful.  It was crowded; I was hot from having my winter coat on inside; and I had no idea where to even begin to look for the baby.  She had requested a very specific baby and after a few minutes of asking around I was finally able to find it.  J It really touched my heart when I was able to spend a small amount of money on a girl whose present would mean so much to her. 

It really shows you what truly matters.  We need to remember that the Christmas season isn’t just about gifts and money and presents and pretty decorations.  It’s about the hope and giving back to those who need help.  There are so many elements that we have to bear during the winter months and the holiday season.  Buying presents shouldn’t be one of them.  

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